Friday, 28 April 2017
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Beginning......(Written My first science paper)
I recently published my first research paper in International Journal of research with IMPACT factor (5.6) not only my first in any journal, but also my first as a sole or lead author. I have never written an article for a scientific journal before, though I have experience of scribbling , here in this Blog,
Now, I know enough about how to to write a research article, How to handle research experiment,it's so exciting and fun to learn new things, I've done lots of mistake and learn so many new things also , till before i am not aware all this and Today I am writing my first Research experience as a UG student here we go....
Yes there are long list of peoples who help me to sucess in writeing a research paper My professor, my juniors my sweet and cute classmate's, & my dear besties, Some FB and Whatsapp frds, and all my wellwishers thank you very much all....
The path from idea to publication was long, winding and sometimes wandering off in the wrong direction i was so excited and it makes some mistake in manuscript writing
Like many teachers, my interests in Biochemistry education research are firmly rooted in classroom practice rather than in the rich, pedagogical literature.
The activity that I presented in the paper actually came from Learning a lectures from my BIOCHEMISTRY teacher. Sir was explaining us about Spectrophotometetry and I imagining about Is it possible to measure Phosynthetic activity by this method how cool it is just by extracting leaf sample we measure Phosynthetic activity but sir also explain that only biomolecules can quantity using this technique. and I just go for it I have read lots of books regarding this but I never get ant idea then I am go for check Oxygen amount by calculate oxygen amount i.e. one of byproduct of photosynthesis and by calculate oxygen amount i.e. easy to measure Phosynthetic activity I just go for it I done lots of experiment most of them go fail but every failures i got something new and I finally After nearly 2 month of practising the activity in my college laboratory, and sharing it with my colleague I thought I was onto something that was worth luckily communicating.Choosing somewhere to publish was tricky
I wanted a peer-reviewed journal with a good impact factor to support my fledgling academic career, but I’m not happy with educational content being behind a paywall. However, the best match for my work was the Journal of Agricultural Education, which unfortunately has just that issue.
Internal conflicts aside, I then set about embedding the work in the existing literature. Strictly speaking, this is the reverse of the ideal, more efficient research process. The process of ‘referencifying’ felt very much like a literature review exercise that I might set for undergraduates. I buried myself in papers on teaching sequences and student misconceptions until I had enough of a framework to put my work in context.
I called in favours with My professor and my friends who are established researchers and already publish their paper in High IMPACT journal,asked them to give me feedback.
This act build base of my research paper , I redrafted mistakes and correct typographical errors, add references, read more paper's, and make new abstract rewrite result and conclusion, i try my best to make paper according to their comments
I finally submitted the paper to International Journal of Research and after 3-4 days they repLy on my E-mail that they like my paper and they Resend me. research manuscript for minor revision then I pay publishing fees and they ready to publish my paper in March issue so blessed
That’s a 1 month gap, so what happened in the meantime?
The administration side seemed to run reasonably well and I had comments back from reviewers. It was only then I realised that my Professor Chandre sir had shielded me from the real brutality of the peer review process.
The three reviewers fell with almost comedic placement into
(a) it’s great, publish it as it is,
(b) it’s ok, tweak it and send it back and
(c) The concept for the paper is fine and could be a useful contribution. Thereare spelling mistakes in the manuscript which should be corrected. More result-oriented discussion may be added. Also more justification of results against simulation work may be added further. Overall the paper is accepted with minor revision.
Some of the comments were cutting, suggesting there was nothing new about what I was reporting and querying why I hadn’t referenced publications in journals that were so obscure even our (extensive) university library didn’t have access to them.
It was hard to reconcile the comments of reviewer (c) with those of reviewer (a), and it felt very personal. Some kind words and email counselling from those same experienced friends helped me to regroup and take reviewer (b) as the middle ground and work from there.
So the paper was rewritten with a clearer emphasis. I took advice from an Mr. Mahesh chandre and Dr.Ashwinikumar kshirsagar to help decode some ‘lost in translation’ moments which had come across in the reviewers comments
A final hurdle: the images I had provided (taken with the camera on my Galaxy Note 3) but still they were low quality to publish (I am not a good photographer it's proved). This, farcically, led to me retaking and providing much higher resolution images, which were too large to be processed by the online submission system.
What I learned: lessons for anyone new to publishing education research
My research interests have now developed into new areas but I don’t think I will completely lose the tendency to do things backwards, Learning will probably always lead to ideas for me.
I would start reviewing the literature earlier in the development of the idea, even if I had to rely on Google Scholar rather than waiting for better access to journals.
I would remember that reviewer comments, especially in large fields like education, are rarely personal, and I would laugh off the most absurd comments.
I would also sort out my side of the administration earlier; copyright forms and, of course, image requirements
In the end, the value in writing a research paper is why we should be encouraged from the start to approach it as it was intended to be approached ...Find my paper here
Yes there are long list of peoples who help me to sucess in writeing a research paper My professor, my juniors my sweet and cute classmate's, & my dear besties, Some FB and Whatsapp frds, and all my wellwishers thank you very much all....
The path from idea to publication was long, winding and sometimes wandering off in the wrong direction i was so excited and it makes some mistake in manuscript writing
Like many teachers, my interests in Biochemistry education research are firmly rooted in classroom practice rather than in the rich, pedagogical literature.
The activity that I presented in the paper actually came from Learning a lectures from my BIOCHEMISTRY teacher. Sir was explaining us about Spectrophotometetry and I imagining about Is it possible to measure Phosynthetic activity by this method how cool it is just by extracting leaf sample we measure Phosynthetic activity but sir also explain that only biomolecules can quantity using this technique. and I just go for it I have read lots of books regarding this but I never get ant idea then I am go for check Oxygen amount by calculate oxygen amount i.e. one of byproduct of photosynthesis and by calculate oxygen amount i.e. easy to measure Phosynthetic activity I just go for it I done lots of experiment most of them go fail but every failures i got something new and I finally After nearly 2 month of practising the activity in my college laboratory, and sharing it with my colleague I thought I was onto something that was worth luckily communicating.Choosing somewhere to publish was tricky
I wanted a peer-reviewed journal with a good impact factor to support my fledgling academic career, but I’m not happy with educational content being behind a paywall. However, the best match for my work was the Journal of Agricultural Education, which unfortunately has just that issue.
Internal conflicts aside, I then set about embedding the work in the existing literature. Strictly speaking, this is the reverse of the ideal, more efficient research process. The process of ‘referencifying’ felt very much like a literature review exercise that I might set for undergraduates. I buried myself in papers on teaching sequences and student misconceptions until I had enough of a framework to put my work in context.
I called in favours with My professor and my friends who are established researchers and already publish their paper in High IMPACT journal,asked them to give me feedback.
This act build base of my research paper , I redrafted mistakes and correct typographical errors, add references, read more paper's, and make new abstract rewrite result and conclusion, i try my best to make paper according to their comments
I finally submitted the paper to International Journal of Research and after 3-4 days they repLy on my E-mail that they like my paper and they Resend me. research manuscript for minor revision then I pay publishing fees and they ready to publish my paper in March issue so blessed
That’s a 1 month gap, so what happened in the meantime?
The administration side seemed to run reasonably well and I had comments back from reviewers. It was only then I realised that my Professor Chandre sir had shielded me from the real brutality of the peer review process.
The three reviewers fell with almost comedic placement into
(a) it’s great, publish it as it is,
(b) it’s ok, tweak it and send it back and
(c) The concept for the paper is fine and could be a useful contribution. Thereare spelling mistakes in the manuscript which should be corrected. More result-oriented discussion may be added. Also more justification of results against simulation work may be added further. Overall the paper is accepted with minor revision.
Some of the comments were cutting, suggesting there was nothing new about what I was reporting and querying why I hadn’t referenced publications in journals that were so obscure even our (extensive) university library didn’t have access to them.
It was hard to reconcile the comments of reviewer (c) with those of reviewer (a), and it felt very personal. Some kind words and email counselling from those same experienced friends helped me to regroup and take reviewer (b) as the middle ground and work from there.
So the paper was rewritten with a clearer emphasis. I took advice from an Mr. Mahesh chandre and Dr.Ashwinikumar kshirsagar to help decode some ‘lost in translation’ moments which had come across in the reviewers comments
A final hurdle: the images I had provided (taken with the camera on my Galaxy Note 3) but still they were low quality to publish (I am not a good photographer it's proved). This, farcically, led to me retaking and providing much higher resolution images, which were too large to be processed by the online submission system.
What I learned: lessons for anyone new to publishing education research
My research interests have now developed into new areas but I don’t think I will completely lose the tendency to do things backwards, Learning will probably always lead to ideas for me.
I would start reviewing the literature earlier in the development of the idea, even if I had to rely on Google Scholar rather than waiting for better access to journals.
I would remember that reviewer comments, especially in large fields like education, are rarely personal, and I would laugh off the most absurd comments.
I would also sort out my side of the administration earlier; copyright forms and, of course, image requirements
In the end, the value in writing a research paper is why we should be encouraged from the start to approach it as it was intended to be approached ...Find my paper here
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