Reason Why U read this blog ...

Good Morning ladies and gentleman
I have started this blog as a fresh start. A fresh start for me to be the more positive, stronger me that I have become over the past several years. I am 20, in a happy and single life and appearing agriculture biotechnology , and I Damm passionate towards my graduation
I am student, writer, blogger, I love singing, and singer ,books and author's, l I like readings , I can read for hours, I can talk for hours, I love whatever I do 😁

I am at my ultimate happiness high and I wish for you all to feel the same. The future is a fabulous thing which you can sculpt to fit you so don’t be scared of the future, embrace it.

This Blog is for you.

Whatever you want me to write about I will, to my best ability.
I am no guru(teacher) and I give terrible advice but I will always try. I am just a normal boy completed just teenage on the brink of creating a brand new life for herself. In a way, we’re all doing that everyday, creating a new life each day as we plod along. I am giving a conscious effort to make myself a new life, however.

I am keeping active (walking, doing Pilates, swimming gym on occasion etc.), trying to speak to new people, making this group  eating healthy (at least trying) and keeping positive in my mind. I am me and that’s okay. In fact, that’s more than okay, it’s fabulous! And it’s fabulous that you are you! Don’t let anyone tell you different, ever.

You may find this Blog all very cringey but that is not my intention. I want to embrace you to love yourself. I will equally love you all (unless you’re very mean to me, I may love you less then). I am not here to push you, hell I hardly push myself! I am just here as a helping hand to tell you that you’re going to be okay no matter what. I can be your friend, your mentor or just some of  you don’t care about. It’s up to you. You are the author of your own story.


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